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Hotel Entertainment: How To Thrill Your Guests!

Hotel Entertainment: How To Thrill Your Guests!

Running a hotel or a Bed and Breakfast is no easy task. There are so many moving parts you have to deal with at all times. And a lot of it has to be done behind the scenes to ensure that your guests’ experience is a smooth and flawless one. One area that a lot of hotels often neglect is guest entertainment. It is too easy to assume that your guests will find their own fun out in town. And this is often true.

But a hotel that takes the time to provide quality entertainment for their guests is far more likely to receive good reviews and repeat customers. It is what separates a good hotel from a great hotel! And today we are going to be providing you with some tips on how to thrill your guests during their stay.

Live Music

One of the simplest, yet most effective ways to provide your guests with a nice evening’s entertainment. This is an ideal choice if you have a restaurant or bar in your hotel. Your guests will appreciate the effort that has gone into securing live music for them as opposed to just a generic music playlist on repeat.

And you don’t need to go for a full on band either. A pianist can elevate the mood of your restaurant or bar. No matter what the theme of the evening is. This also offers your guests a chance to make their evening a little more special for their loved ones as they can request songs in advance. Maybe for a proposal or just to surprise their travel partner with their favorite song.

If your hotel is lucky enough to have space to host a band you definitely should. Bringing in local bands for an evening of entertainment is a great way to provide your guests with a taste of the local music scene. And it shows you are supporting the local community too, which will definitely help you secure some good reviews.

Variety Shows

While live music is good, the one downside to it is that it is readily available everywhere. So, if you really want to thrill your guests, you need to offer them something they might not find as easily in your city. This is where a variety show shines. The idea is simple. A varied mix of different live performances coming together to create an amazing show!

Magicians, acrobats, circus performers, comedians, dancers. Whatever mix you want to go for. Hosting regular variety shows in your hotel is sure to bring in a crowd and keep your guests happy. And, if you want to elevate it to the next level, you could have it be a dinner show too.

You will want to invest a significant amount of money into these shows to really reap the rewards. Good lighting and a solid sound system is a must. Alongside that you will want to ensure all the acts have amazing costumes. The visuals are often what your guests will remember above all else. We highly recommend employing reliable nationwide laundry services to handle the cleaning and maintenance of these costumes. Your internal laundry systems are most likely not equipped to properly clean the more delicate parts of an intricate costume.

Activity Nights

Not everything needs to be a show. A lot of guests love to socialize with their fellow travelers. But it can often be difficult for them to break the ice. Which is where activity nights come into play. You can provide your guests with a fun, social atmosphere to meet new people while also providing them with amazing entertainment.

One of the most common activity nights you’ll see in hotels is Bingo. This is an ideal choice if your usual guests are older. But there are lots of other fun activities you can host. Karaoke nights in your bar are a great way to get the party mood flowing. Or, for your single guests, you could host a casual speed dating night.

Bar crawls are a great way to entertain your guests while also letting them see more of the city. This is also a great opportunity for you to network with other businesses. Bar crawls are ideal if you have a younger demographic of guests staying at your hotel. If your city doesn’t have many amazing bars you could look at offering a food and wine tour instead. This is a better option for middle-aged guests or hotels who host a lot of influencers and foodies.