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The Funniest Subreddits You Need To Join In 2025

The Funniest Subreddits You Need To Join In 2025

Reddit is a rare beast in regards to internet culture. It is a site that has often remained above controversy. While other social media platforms seem to crumble and fade into obscurity, Reddit remains strong as the front page of the internet.

This is primarily due to the decentralized nature of the site. Reddit is split into thousands of different subreddits, each one dedicated to a specific topic or community. Some focus on hobby advice. Others serve as an open forum for people to discuss politics or global issues. And some are designed just to make people laugh.

Comedy sits at the heart of Reddit. More than anything else Reddit is known for being a hub for memes. And today we are going to be sharing our picks for the funniest subreddits that you absolutely need to join in the new year!


There is nothing more integral to the DNA of the internet than funny cat pictures. Some of the oldest internet memes in existence are cat focused. So we thought we would start this list off with our new favourite cat themed subreddit. Cats standing up is exactly what you would expect from the name. A non-stop collection of pictures featuring cats standing on their hind legs.

Some of the posts are overtly cute. While others will make you laugh out loud. This subreddit is a wholesome place filled with nothing but funny pictures of our favorite felines.


There is just something so incredibly funny about watching older people trying to navigate modern technology. And there is no better stage for seeing this unfold than on Facebook. Old people facebook is a subreddit dedicated to hilarious Facebook posts made by older people.

The posts range from a mixture of old people not understanding how Facebook comments work to old people being confused by AI pictures. Most of the posts in this subreddit are very wholesome. While some do lean more towards highlighting some of the radical ideologies still held by the older generations. But, overall, it is an extremely funny subreddit that is well worth checking out.


If you’ve ever watched the popular improv show ‘Whose Line Is It Anyway’ then you will be familiar with the premise of this subreddit. Posters set a prompt and users have to comment a funny response to that situation. Things like ‘Things you’d regret saying on a first date,’ or ‘Wedding proposals doomed to fail.’

The comments are where you will find all the funniest content on this subreddit. People really flex their creative muscles. Aside from being one of the funniest subreddits out there it is also a great place for karma farming. It is far too easy to get some upvotes here. Even the simplest replies often get a significant amount of upvotes.


Reddit and video games go together like bread and butter. Some studies have estimated that gaming is the most popular subject on Reddit. While there aren’t any firm figures on the total percentage of subreddits dedicated to gaming, it is a staggering amount. This includes a large number of comedy focused gaming subreddits.

Ban video games is one of my all time favorite gaming subreddits. The name would imply it is a serious place where people meet to discuss the banning of specific games. But the entire subreddit is actually a parody space. Ripping into the people who try to ban video games for the dumbest reasons.

The best part about this subreddit is that every poster and commenter plays it completely straight. It is very obviously a parody. But no one ever breaks character. The reasons people post for wanting specific video games banned verge on the ludicrous. If you’re an avid gamer you are certain to find this subreddit beyond hilarious.


I’m sure everyone has moments from their teenage years they would rather forget about. Those cringe worthy fashion phases. The embarrassing posts on social media. The goofy haircuts and style choices. Blunder years is a subreddit dedicated to owning those cringy moments. And sharing them for laughs.

I love this subreddit as it asks people to look back at their cringy memories with newfound eyes. To find a sense of joy and wonder in themselves. And to see the funnier side of things. It is also comforting to know that we aren’t alone in this! Everyone has memories they find awkward. And this subreddit can help you shake off some of that shame.


Yes you read that name right. This subreddit does exactly what it says on the tin. Nothing here but pictures of bread stapled to trees. You might think this idea wouldn’t work. But it is one of the more popular subreddits out there.

There is just something so inane about the idea that it quickly circles back to being hilarious. The simplicity of the concept. And the lengths the posters are willing to go to for the meme is outstanding.